T h e icing o n t h e c a k e ?
A p p lia n c e s t h a t m a tc h .
The IKEA family of appliances
are sure to complement your
T h e m a tc h in g b u ilt-in o v e n ,
e x tr a c to r h o o d , a n d g a s c o o k to p fit
to g e th e r fro m to p to b o tto m . A n d
w ith a ra n g e o f a p p lia n c e s b a cke d
b y a 5 -y e a r lim ite d w a rra n ty , y o u
k n o w
y o u 'v e
m e t
y o u r
m a tc h .
F in a lly , a k itc h e n th e w h o le fa m ily
can g e t a lo n g w ith .
I K E A - U S A .c o m / k itc h e n
Requires Installation
B e tte r
H o m e s
X X and Gardens.
Gayle Goodson Butler
E d ito r in C h ie f
K itty M organ
E xe cu tive E d ito r
La m ont D. O lson
M ichael D. Belknap
M a n ag in g E d ito r
A rt D ire c to r
S e n io r D e p u ty E d ito r,
H o m e D esign
A ssista n t D e p u ty E d ito r
East C oast E d ito r
W est C oast E d ito r
S e n io r In te rio r D esig ne r
S e n io r E d ito rs
A ssista n t E d ito r
E d ito ria l A ssista n ts
C o n trib u tin g E d ito r, D esign
D e p u ty E d ito r,
F oo d and E n te rta in in g
S e n io r E d ito r
A sso cia te E d ito r
E d ito ria l A ssista n t
S e n io r D e p u ty E d ito r, L ife s ty le
B e a u ty D ire c to r
A ssista n t E d ito r
E d ito ria l A ssista n t
Oma Blaise Ford
Kelly Ryan Kegans
Kristine Kennedy
Paige Porter Fischer
Joseph Boehm
Amy Panos, Kit Selzer
Joanna Linberg
Peggy Daugherty, Renae Gray
Elaine Griffin
Nancy Wall Hopkins
Richard Swearinger
Erin Simpson
Renee Irey
Katherine Pushkar
Melissa M
il rad Goldstein
Kelly L. Phillips
Doris Lohrman
G ro u p E d ito r,
G a rd en and O u td o o r Livin g
D e p u ty E d ito r
S e n io r A sso cia te E d ito r
E d ito ria l A ssista n t
D e p u ty A rt D ire c to rs
A s so cia te A rt D ire c to r
S e n io r G ra p h ic D esig ne r
G ra p h ic D esig ne r
P h o to g ra p h y C o o rd in a to r
C o p y C h ie f
G ro u p C o p y C h ie f
C o p y E d ito r
S pecial P ro je c ts E d ito r
P ro d u c tio n E d ito r
O ffic e M anager
A d m in is tra tiv e A ssista n t
Test K itch e n D ire c to r
Test G a rd en M anager
Doug Jimerson
Eric Liskey
Jane Austin McKeon
Jacque W
Shelley Caldwell, Scott
Johnson, Karla Jo Knipper
Amy Davis Deering
Jensie Lauritsen M
Maggie Meyer
Holly Pruett
Kristi Chew
Sally Finder
C.R. M
ike Butler
Cindy Murphy
Ginger Bassett
Linda Newsom
Lynn Blanchard
Sandra J. Gerdes
H e a lt h A d v i s o r y P a n e l
Lynne T. S huster, M .D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; M egan T. Sandel, M .D., Boston Medical C enter and C hildren's Hospital, Boston;
M elina B. Jam p olis, M .D., Los Angeles; C edric X. B rya n t, Ph.D., Am erican Council on Exercise, San Diego; H eidi A. W aldo rf, M .D.,
The M ount Sinai School o f Medicine, New York
R e g io n a l C o n t r ib u t o r s
Lisa M ow ry, Atlanta; B arbara N ielsen, Baton Rouge, LA; Sandra M ohlm ann, Charleston, SC; Elaine M arkou tsas, S hirley Remes, H ilary Rose,
Chicago; Diane C arroll, Fayettevil e, AR; Denise G ee, Dal as; K h risti Z im m e th , D etroit; Eileen Alexandra D eym ier, Easton, MD; Susan Fox,
Galveston, TX; Jo e tta M oulden, Houston; Betsy H arris, Indianapolis; Susan A n drew s, M a rty Ross, Kansas City; S tephanie R om m el, Lexington,
KY; Robin T ucker, Laura H ull, Los Angeles; Shawn G illiam , Alecia Stevens, M inneapolis; Stacy K unstel, NH; A nna M o lvik, New Paltz, NY;
Bonnie M aharam , J ohn Loecke, New York; C ynth ia B o ga rt, Rl; Susan S alom on, Portland, ME; Barbara M undall, Jan Behrs, Portland, OR;
Bonnie B roten , H elen Yoest, Raleigh, NC; Andrea C aughey, San Diego; Donna Talley, Saratoga Springs, NY; Trish M aharam , Loralee W enger,
Seattle; H eather Lobdell, Tiburon, CA; Karin L id be ck-B re nt, W oodbury, CT
Andy Sareyan
P re s id e n t, B e tte r H om es and G ardens®
James T. Carr
V ice P re s id e n t/G ro u p P u b lish e r
Anthony P. Imperato
Julie V. Baker
Becca Roth
A sso cia te P u b lish e r, Sales
A sso cia te P u b lish e r, M a rk e tin g
G e ne ra l M anager
Cathy Dropkin
Gary Wenstrup
E astern A d v e rtis in g D ire c to r
M id w e s t A d v e rtis in g D ire c to r
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